
Anzahl Produkte: 2
Anzahl Angebote: 12
Anzahl Händler: 4



Heim Gerätebau GmbH & Co. KG
Am Funkturm 21
29525 Uelzen

Phone: +49 (0) 581-211573 0
Fax: +49 (0) 581-211 573 21
E-mail: info@heim-geraetebau.de


The manufacturer JUFEBA - Heim Gerätebau offers a wide range of equipment, machines and systems in the field of bakery technology. The main focus of JUFEBA bakery machines is on boiling baking technology:
✓ JUFEBA: Boiling baking systems
✓ JUFEBA: Biscuit fillers
✓ JUFEBA: Fat baking equipment
✓ JUFEBA: Fat baking equipment
✓ JUFEBA: Automatic boiling bakers
✓ JUFEBA: Grease filter systems
✓ JUFEBA: Automatic piping pastry machines
✓ JUFEBA: Pretzel ovens
✓ JUFEBA: Conveyor ovens
✓ JUFEBA: Temperature control units
✓ JUFEBA: Cream cookers
✓ JUFEBA: Automatic dissolving machines
✓ JUFEBA: Pastry filling machines
✓ JUFEBA: Sugar sprinkling machines
✓ JUFEBA: Exhaust hoods
✓ JUFEBA: Proofing barrier
✓ JUFEBA: Aeration systems
✓ JUFEBA: Cleaning machines

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