Dough part and molding machine Kemper semi-automatic BT30 30-100g

General information

Dough part and molding machine Kemper semi-automatic BT30

- Type: BT30 30-100g
- size 3
- 30 pieces
- 380 volts
- 0.55kW 1.5A 50Hz
- Weight range 30 grams to 100 grams
- Weight insert 9000 grams to 3000 grams

We will be happy to send you more pictures and details on request.
You can inspect the machine in our company during opening hours or by appointment, a test run with your own is also no problem.
The machine is immediately available in the warehouse in Bielefeld.

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Ad No.: 24001

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Minimum order quantity: 1
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Registered since:2023.05.26

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Multiback Bäckereitechnik

  • 0049-521-91518533
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